
29 August, 2007

where I am now…
My latest investigations are simmering and skating around the idea of hope, as it fits or sits in our current world. Do we feel hopeful? What do we really think about the future?
I am increasingly becoming aware of the mixture of anxiety, fear, frustration, hope, passion etc that sit amongst us all/ that is floating around, in and between us, in regards to the current state of the world. In all the tragic news and facts we are bombarded with every day, do we still carry hope. And if so how do we show it? How can we show it? How do we hold onto it? How do we make it grow and act on it?
These are all huge questions, and maybe you think I’m naïve to think I can address or ‘solve’ them through dance. But firstly, I believe the body holds an immense amount of knowledge. It holds our emotions, how we truly feel, what we truly want, our dreams as well as our reality. Our past, our present and our future. And secondly, movement is the only way I know how to research life, it is my tool of research, it is through dance that I have trained myself to research life. And so…..I endeavour to tackle this issue. If fact, I just spent 3 weeks in Taipei making my first work around this topic. It was hard, hard, hard, and I don’t think the final product was anything wonderful. It became for me more of a representation of ideas of stage 1 of my research! And so….I hope to continue down this road, with maybe a second, and a third, and a fourth piece. But there is much to discover and try along the way.

Any thoughts?


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